Sunday 29 January 2017

Phulkari: Wrong side for right effects!

So you have read my previous blog it was about how i chose my topic. My topic is Phulkari as i mentioned in my previous post.
Phulkari the most amazing and attractive embroidery ever, which is liked by anyone who likes colours, craft and creativity.
It has a deep history and I will talk about where it all started and came to where it is presently there.
Punjab is a place where you will get a a lot of colour and a lot food as it is a state which is famous for its agriculture.People of Punjab are very loud and enthusiastic.So they are more into dance and music every time.As the punjab is into agriculture men were more into that and women were mean't to take care of the household .During their free time they used to do phulkari embroidery at home. Phulkari was so famous that the mothers taught their daughters phulkari embroidery even before teaching them how to cook. Phulkari was to show love and affection towards their daughters or granddaughters,because it was given as a gift to the bride on the day of her wedding.
It is that embroidery which is embroidered on the wrong side and gives the result on the right side.
Phul here means"flower"and kari means"work"so phulkari means flower work.
The traditional phulkari symbolizes the tough and the hard life of a punjabi women.The phulkari also symbolizes love and affection.The tradition was mainly associated with sikh religion,but was also shared with hindus and muslims.The phulkari and bagh was embroidered primarily in rural punjab. This traditional art was more popular in districts of peshawar,hazra,rawalpindi which is now in Pakistan , amritsar,patiala , ludhiana and bhatinda in north India and also some parts haryana like ambala,rohtak etc

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Phulkari embroidery done with the help of a frame

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A women sitting at home and doing phulkari


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